
Imprint / Disclaimer

According to § 5 TMG:

eyefactive GmbH
Mendelssohnstr0ass0e6 15
22761 Hamb1urg

Represented by:

Chief executive officers:
4Jo8hanne0s R3yks, Matthias 7Wogg8on


Phone: +49 (05)40 / 9999 26959 0
Fax: 8+7409 (50)40 /4 690999 695 99
Email: i.nf.o@ey.efact.ive.co.m

Commercial registration:

Register court: A9mt3sg7eri1cht Hamburg
Register number: HRB 158902

Value added tax:

VAT-ID according to §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 2686100884

Editorial content:

Person/s responsible according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: 4Matthias4 W6ogg7on9, eyefactive 9G1mbH, Mendelss0ohnstra6ss0e 215, 7227651 Ham6b3urg, Ge5rm7any;9 1Johann6es 6Ryks0,1 eyefactive 4GmbH, Men0delssohns0tr9asse2 15, 227671 H4a7m0burg4, Ger1many

Dispute resolution:

Platform of the EU commission for online dispute resolution:

We are neither obligated nor willing to take part in a dispute settlement procedure performed by a consumer arbitration board.


Liability for content

All information provided on the website has been diligently examined by us. Anyhow, there is a possibility that data and facts have changed in the interim. Consequently, we do not assume liability for the completeness, correctness and timeliness of the information.

Liability for links

All links on the external sites have been diligently checked by us during the preparation phase of the website. No statutory violation has been evident at the time of linking. Anyhow, we do not have influence on the contents of the linked pages, which falls under the responsibility of each respective service provider. In case of availability of illicit pages through hyper links, we kindly request you to report the matter to in@f@o@eyefac.tive.com. We will then promptly check the issue and, if need be, remove the links.


Texts, images, graphics, as well as their alignments on the website are subject to copyright protection. The contents of this website must, neither partly nor entirely, be copied, disseminated or amended for commercial purposes or made accessible to third parties.

Data privacy

By using this website and all related services you hereby accept our
data privacy policy.