Interactive MultiTouch & MultiUser Software with Object Recognition

The political history of the former GDR can be relived in an interactive fashion by aid of state-of -the-art MultiTOUCH software.

Videos/Photos Background Info

The political history of the former GDR can be relived in an interactive fashion by aid of state-of -the-art MultiTOUCH software. Placing different objects on a display results in the generation of various virtual terminals where multimedia information can be displayed and navigated by simple hand gestures.

From GDR pennant to a Lenin bust: Visitors may place various objects on an interactive display and immediately after that, a virtual flag will appear beneath the object, which not only follows the object when it is moved, but also flaps and swings like a real flag.

When visitors are touching a flag they are presented with an English or German language option. A digital information window then opens containing a different object related topic.

Visitors can navigate through different levels within the information windows, which open one after another by use of simple hand gestures. Texts, images and videos guarantee an interactive and emotional experience of GDR history.

Museum staff can maintain and update existing content via a flexible, easy to use web interface at any given time.

The interactive MultiTOUCH software was developed by eyefactive on behalf of the DDR Museum. Concept, layout and design were created by the Berlin based agency for information design Labor Löwenberg.

Internal linksExternal links
DDR Museum Berlin GmbH
Labor Löwenberg
DDR Museum, Berlin
Interactive MultiTOUCH and MultiUSER Software with Object Recognition

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