Round interactive touch screen for MANN-FILTER

Round s-shaped multi touch screen as interactive table for MANN-FILTER at automechanika with eyefactive’s leading tracking technology.

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At the automechanika 2010 - world's leading automotive tradeshow - MANN-FILTER fascinated their customers with an interactive MultiTOUCH desk of the newest kind. In cooperation with the agency stereolize GmbH (Munich) and booth builder Hoynck bv (Roermond, NL), the project was realized in shortest time frame. On customer's request, eyefactive built a six meter long interactive MultiTOUCH desk which allowed more than a dozen tradeshow visitors to experience MANN-FILTER simultaneously. The custom made MultiTOUCH software displayed information about MANN-FILTER products and entertained visitors with interactive games.

The interactive counter was built up of six eyefactive MultiTOUCH modules. Due to the elaborate assembly of the modules and the flexible eyefactive tracking engine EVOVIS, a curved S-shaped MultiTOUCH display was manufactured - the first of its kind.

Due to EdgeBlending technology edges between projections and single modules disappear and guarantee an oversized seamless display. A resolution of 7380 pixels ensured that an impressive amount of visitors were able to use the MultiTOUCH desk simultaneously.

The interactive touch software was not only intuitively controlled with hands but was furthermore programmed to recognize objects as soon as these were placed at the display. This allowed customers to browse the MANN-FILTER product assortment in no time at all.

The curved S-shaped display housing, as well as the entire booth concept in MANN-FILTER corporate design, was manufactured by Hoynck bv (NL).

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stereolize GmbH (Lead Agency)
automechanika 2010
Trade Fair Frankfurt
6m MultiTOUCH desk with 6 OMEGA modules
Interactive MultiTOUCH Multiplayer Game

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